- 주저자 : Park MJ, Kim YS(김영선), Rhim H, Lim HK
- 영문 제목 : Technique to displace bowel loops in MR imaging-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation of fibroids in the anteverted or anteflexed uterus
- 한글 제목 : 자궁 근종에 대한 MR하이푸 치료 시 합병증 방지를 위해 대/소장을 이동시키는 술기에 대한 연구
- 저널 : Am J Roentgnol
- 연도 : 2013
- 권 / 쪽 : 201 / W761-764
- 초록
In MRI-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation of uterine fibroids, bowel interposition in the sonication path is often problematic. The purpose of this article is to discuss a bowel-manipulation technique to displace the bowel loop, which consisted of sequential applications of urinary bladder filling, rectal filling, and urinary bladder emptying.
This technique contributed to a decreased screening failure rate and succeeded in consistently displacing the bowel loop, thus allowing safe treatment of fibroids in the anteverted or anteflexed uterus.